National Federation of Independent Business Endorses Governor Walker in Recall Election

Press Release

Date: May 23, 2012
Location: Madison, WI

Governor Scott Walker received an endorsement from the Wisconsin chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business [NFIB] today in the upcoming recall election. The NFIB is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing small and independent businesses in all 50 states. The NFIB has over 12,000 members in Wisconsin.

"Every politician pretends to care about small business. The difference between them and Scott Walker is that he means it," said Bill G. Smith, State Director for the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). "From the moment he took the oath nearly two years ago he has been focused firmly on jobs and the economy and the results are indisputable. Wisconsin small businesses are creating jobs again because they have confidence in the direction of the state under the Walker administration."

In reaction to the endorsement, Governor Walker said:

"We made it easier for businesses to operate and grow over the last 17 months, with over 35,000 jobs created since 2011. Small and independent businesses are the engine of our economy and my number one priority will continue to be helping the private sector create jobs. I thank the NFIB for its endorsement and look forward to working with companies of all sizes to bring more jobs and prosperity to Wisconsin."
